Ana Raspini is a traveler, besides being an English teacher, and a writer.

Minha foto
Brasileira, professora de Inglês, escritora, mas acima de tudo, viajante.
Lyrical Travel Journal

A personal, slightly lyrical, point of view on the places I have been to.

sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2015


Yay! I was nominated for the Liebster award by Kay, from iTravelista!
Thank you, lovely!

The Liebster Award is given to new bloggers by other fellow bloggers and is a way for them to be discovered as well as connect and support the blogging community.

But that's not all! Every blogger must create 11 questions for the other bloggers to answer. And then, every blogger must nominate 11 blogs s/he enjoys!

Here are the questions I was given:

1. What has been your most enjoyable place you have been to?

I enjoyed many places: Portugal, Germany, Uruguay... But I think my favorite one was Alsace, in France. It is such a perfect combination of good wine, amazing food, beautiful architecture and the quiet feeling we get from being in the countryside that I would move there without thinking twice!

2. What has been the worst situation you have been in while traveling?

The worst situation I faced was, without a doubt, when my husband (fiancee at the time) and I were coming from Germany (where he's from) to Brazil (where I'm from) to get married. Lothar had only bought a one-way ticket to Brazil, for he planned to live in Brazil with me. However, being a European citizen, authorities in Spain were not allowing him to check in for our flight because he had to have a ticket to go back to Europe in less than three months, which he didn't! We were supposed to get married in two weeks, and I thought I would go back to Brazil by myself! In the end, we managed to buy an absurdly expensive ticket, which was nearly not refundable. We did get married two weeks after that and have been living together in Brazil for the past 6 years.

3. What camera do you use on your travels?

Barely starting: Nikon 5100.

4. Most memorable moment when traveling?

Oh, so many... But as food is really important to me, I'll have to say that my most memorable moment was when I had a piece of the best chocolate cake in the world, the one from "Pão, Pão, Quejio, Queijo" in Lisbon, while seated on the sidewalk, looking at the ocean and at Torre de Belém. It changed my life!

5. Worst food experience in any country?

It was not in a country, but in an Air China airplane, where I was served rice and fish for breakfast, it was just so weird! 

6. How did you gain courage to do your first solo trip and where was it?

I still haven't done that... I always travel with my husband or friends, but I sure want to have that experience one day!

7. What do you use most to stay in: airBnB, hostels, couchsurfing or hotels?

I usually stay at hostels, but I have already had two experiences with AirBnb, and they were great!

8. What are 11 fun facts about you?

1) I'm Brazilian, but from the south, and that means that it snows every winter where I was born;
2) I learned English by myself, through songs;
3) I'm married to a German;
4) I'm a Brazilian who hates soccer and carnival;
5) I'm scared of butterflies and aliens;
6) I have a Masters in English Literature;
7) I'm an animal activist;
8) I've been an English teacher for 12 years, even though I'm only 30;
9) I can speak 5 languages;
10) I actually have a TOP 20 list on my computer, with the 20 countries I most wish to visit;
11) I've already been to 10 countries from those TOP 20 in my wish list.

9. What is your favorite app to use while traveling?

I'm a big fan of Trip Advisor! I think personal experience is a great way to evaluate a place. I usually browse the website looking for someone who has similar opinions, and then I take his/her advice seriously.

10. What have you learned about yourself?

I've learned that I'm insignificant in such a huge, complex world, but at the same time, it is a privilege to be able to travel and witness such complexity and beauty.

11. Favorite photo you have taken?

It has everythink I love in one photo: Castles, windows, reflection, dry leaves...

Here are the instructions for my nominees:

Create a blog post on your site answering the questions that I have provided below;

In your post, be sure to link back to the blog who nominated you (which is me, Facebook page and Blog);

After answering the questions I gave you, provide 11 questions for your nominees;

Select, list and link 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers and provide these instructions;

DON’T FORGET to create 11 questions for them to answer;

Notify your nominees and provide a link to your post so that they’ll know what to do;

Once you’re done, come back here and comment with the link to your post so I can check out your answers.

Here are the questions for my nominees:

1. Have you ever suffered any kind of prejudice while traveling solo?

2. Did your solo trips changed how you faced trips with friends/husband/boyfriend?
3. Was there a place you visited that you immediately felt connected to and dreamt of living there for good?
4. Tell us your best AND worst food experiences while traveling. Where and why?
5. Show us your favorite photo from your travels.
6. Tell us your best experience with wine or beer while traveling. Where was it, how was it?
7. Tell us your dearest memory from a trip.
8. How do you communicate in a country whose language you can't understand? Do you use English or try to learn the local language?
9. List the TOP 5 most beautiful places you've been to.
10. Tell us 5 fun facts about you.
11. What was the biggest, most profound discovery you had about yourself while traveling?

My nominees:

As my blog is both in English and in Portuguese, I'll split the nominees by language!

5 in English:

Diana Corridori from

Katy from
Swati Saxena from
Nika Dobrovolna from
Cristian Figueroa from (in English, Spanish and Portuguese)

And 6 in Portuguese:

Milene Maciel from

Rafael Souza from
Thais Sores from
Gabriela Schotten from
Fernanda Castelo Branco from
Adriano Gonçalves from

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